Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Why granting concessions to religious institutions to discriminate can't be justified.

A simple post regarding why religious institutions should not be immune from state law.

Today, Julia Gillard made concessions to Christain factions/institutions in Australia by potentially allowing religious institutions/employers (such as Catholic schools) to discriminate against certain employees who do not live up to a certain moral standard pertinent to their religious teachings - such as Gays or women who use IVF or have an abortion.

Firstly, I could probably write a whole essay as to why this is deplorable. However, seeing as this is just a blog I will justify my views using a simple graph.

Government: Should reman morally neutral in all areas.

Within the law, government also needs to balance: 
1. Freedom of religion (Const) 2. Equality (Principle - ICCPR etc)

1. Equality does not impinge on freedom to practice religion 
2. Religion can only impinge on equality
Therefore, the government can only allow freedom of private morality to the extent it does not HARM another group in society. As it does, it can't be justified.

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