A news article released by the UN News Centre yesterday has reported that Ban Ki Moon, Secterary General of the UN has called for focus to reduce terrorism through a range of factors, including the following:
[1] Upholding civil rights
[2] Blanket prohibitation on political violence
[3] International and national dialogue between religious groups, the state and the international community
[4] Ending the financing of weaponry/organisation etc
[5] Terrorism does not prevent individuals in a state receiving humanitarium assistance
[6] A comprehensive strategy - international/regional/domestic
Despite this, I believe more specific resolutions - however resolutions that are increasingly harder to achieve, would further disenfranchise these groups:
[1] Growth of wealth - not merely GDP but also in terms of economic rights. Such rights may need to be granted by subsidies etc rather than mere privitisation. Could be benefictial for the West waive certain debts or to re-structure aid spending so it depends on different approaches (more rights based)
[2] Non-intervention with the exception of humanitarium intervention. This is a polarising issue especially when it comes to states such as Syria. Its difficult to sponser rebel groups or government groups as its hard to be absolute what future consequences this may have. I've always been of the belief that other nations should predominately assist other states in terms of humanitarium aid and only minimally in terms of arms/etc.
[3] For all states to minimalise sectarian divisions without suppression (through secular governance) - easier said than done.
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